Sunday, July 22, 2012

Would you have Stolen this? - Adam did...

Stolen Girlfriends offsite show during NZ Fashion Week took the opportunity to use the internationally acclaimed skills of Post Creative co-founder Adam Bryce, as Style Director for the men's component.... Thought I'd run by and grab a little of my take on it - the guys are fun, and nothing like giving a little love back eh?!

Stepping up from New World, Freemans Bay to Rhubarb Lane (and a guaranteed captive audience), the entrance via Portaloo on a wild and wet Auckland night gave cause for a little concern, but the result was never in doubt - a show that had folks fighting over viewing space, and talking!
Have to credit the ambition also - trust me it's hard enough to get one show running smoothly and well, without transferring runways, models and punters mid way thru the event... 
Enjoy! (...we all did)

Bigkiwidave's getting Smarter by the minute (or day probably;)!

My last few months of being "forced" to write (ie something that I was required to do - trust me, I guess I need it like that lol) is coming to an end, so I thought a transfer of sorts was a good thing, to keep me at it as I should...
In the next weeks I'll link it to the new venture with Yasmine Ganley also ( is GO!), so hopefully a continuation of lots to share.